Overton County Schools has 13 snow days built into the 180 day calendar for each school year. Our district has used all of these snow days at this point. In addition to the 13 snow days, the Tennessee department of Education allows districts to use two virtual days per semester. For this spring semester, OCS has two virtual days that can be used for remote instruction in the event of inclement weather. With the anticipated snow this week, our teachers have prepared lessons to conduct remote instruction if the need arises.
We want to share what a virtual day looks like, so that you and your student will be prepared for remote instruction if the weather prevents us from being on campus for instruction.
Students in grades K-6 will receive virtual day packets of print materials. These packets included lessons for two days of remote instruction. Students in grades 7-12 will have lessons online and teachers will have these lessons posted on Microsoft Teams. All teachers will communicate how they can be contacted to provide assistance with packets during the virtual days.
If we go beyond the two virtual days, the district will look at using April 21 and May 22 as possible make up days if needed. While remote instruction is not ideal, our district has worked hard to develop a plan to insure students receive support that furthers their education during a virtual day.
Thank you for your support