Overton County Schools Summer Learning Program
Start Date: May 27
End Date: June 19
Week 1: Tuesday - Friday | Week 2-4: Monday - Thursday
Hours: 7:30 -2:30
Location: A. H. Roberts Elementary School
This is a great opportunity for your child to build skills over the summer. We will use high quality instructional materials to address learning loss and accelerate students learning during the summer programs. We will reinforce grade-level learning through a strategic review of the most critical foundational skills from the previous grade. We will accelerate learning and build student confidence by building knowledge and vocabulary to support access to next year’s content.
This program is made possible through the Tennessee Learning Loss Remediation and Student Acceleration Act; there is no cost to attend. Transportation, breakfast, lunch, and engaging lessons will be provided daily for your child.
For more information, please call your school or the Board of Education at 823-1287