Why Join the HES Parent Teacher Organization?
PTO offers parents the opportunity to make positive changes in our school.
Joining the PTO shows an interest in your child's education and school activities, shows greater support for his/her teachers and school, and improves the relationship between parents and school personnel.
It’s Fun!!
What is the PTO currently working on?

Fall Festival Events:
Penny Wars (Sept. 3-13)
Students bring spare change donations for our Fall Festival, and it is collected each morning during the event. Three classes will win a reward for raising the most money.
Bake Sales (First 3 Fridays of Sept.)
Our bake sales are held on Fridays. Students will be given time at the end of the day to visit the bake sale and make purchases and a fund raiser for our Fall Festival representatives in each class.
Fun Friday (Sept. 27)
The day of our Fall Festival is a Fun Friday for students. They will be able to purchase tickets to spend on games, treats, and food. These tickets are also able to be used on games in the evening during our Fall Festival.
Fall Festival (Sept. 27)
We will host a variety of vendors this night with diverse goods that can be purchased. We will also be holding a cookout meal. Your meal purchase ($8) will include chips, a drink, a dessert, and your choice of a hamburger or hot dog. We will be holding a silent auction on a variety of goods and our class prepared themed baskets. You can visit our PTO page to see a list of the baskets that will be featured. Arguably the star of our Fall Festival is Mrs. Sada's Cake Auction. A shocking number of cakes will be available for auction. Good luck to all!
Themed Baskets
You will be able to bid on these items at our Fall Festival. All baskets, except the mystery basket, will include an itemized list of what is inside.
Hair/Beauty/Spa Pets TN sports Stock the Kitchen/Pantry Stock the Bathroom Stock the Classroom/Office Gift Cards Cleaning Camping/Grilling/ Outdoors First Aid | Arts & Crafts Car Care All Things Fall Family Fun Wrap It Up Birthday Bash Things for Mom Things for Dad School Spirit Mystery Basket - A pleasant surprise! |
Interested in being a vendor at our Fall Festival?
Send us an email or call the office!

Recent Activities!
Recently we welcomed back teachers with gift bags!

Contact Us: hilhamschoolpto@gmail.com